Lost (not the TV show :P )

I’m going to tell you a story. A story of a girl, lost. She had been playing in woods around her grandparents house, singing to herself and playing make believe. Soon, she had wandered  pretty far away from the grandparents house and on turning around to see the house all she saw was trees.  something. Dark…

I Less Than Three You.

You know when it’s hard to say certain words, in a certain order? The three words you wish your partner would say or the three words you dread to hear. The simple, I love you.   I make a point of saying I love you to my family every day. With a world full of…

My Addiction

So….I have this addiction. I have been pretty quiet about it. Not a lot of people know that I have this addiction. My addiction is coffee. The dark, smooth, drink of the Gods.  Often times I feel like this when I drink the sweet nectar. I just kind of start to spaz out…which is VERY…

Moving on Up

I moved to the twin cities about 3 days ago and wow…just wow. I am kind of floored by all the movement a big city has. It is ALWAYS bustling and hustling around. Which, to me, is new. I am from a small town so to come to some place so large is like culture…


This is my cat….about a year ago. I got my cat from one of my good friends and I instantly fell in love. I named my cat Kairi, after my favorite video game “Kingdom Hears”. I bought my cat a bunch of girly, glittery, pink toys. My cat even had a bright pink glitter collar….

Zombies <3

So I have decided to share with you all my relationship with zombies. I love/hate them. I love them the way anyone would love a un-dead eating machine and I hate them the way you hate un-dead eating machine. There is just something so fascinating about them.  I love to get scared by movies with…

Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

RECOMMENDED TO WATCH TRAILER IN THE DARK FOR THE FULL SCARY EFFECT! Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark  just came out in theaters and me, being the movie buff I am NEEDED to see it. It was also produced by Guillermo del Toro which got my heart a racing.  He is the producer of some…

Day Two

Being of sound mind and body I, Emily, hereby bequeath to you a slide show of my life. I started out with this lovely picture of Emily (the girl from Hot Topic) wearing a pink flowery dress. This…well this was/is how I feel in pink flowery dresses..or any dress for that matter. Will I wear…