Zombies <3

So I have decided to share with you all my relationship with zombies. I love/hate them. I love them the way anyone would love a un-dead eating machine and I hate them the way you hate un-dead eating machine. There is just something so fascinating about them.  I love to get scared by movies with them in it. I also hate the idea of them. A creature who doesn’t stop, not even when you blow there heart away. One bite you’re infected. *Shivers* I have had nightmares about zombies and me not being able to get away. They’re scary…but also comical. I mean the walk around moaning and they are not the brightest bunch. :/ Still the idea of not being able to talk my way out of the situation or be able to stop them (other than shooting them in the head or decapitation) scares the crap out of me.  One of my all time favorite books is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  First of all I love Jane Austen and then throw zombies in? Done. I’m all over it.  If you haven’t read this book then you need to go out and check out/rent/buy it. It has the Jane Austen flare with just a hint of the un-dead.  Another really good book about zombies is World War Z.  Some parts of the book are very dry but overall such a good read! The entertainment world also took notice of this book and are in production for the film, starring Brad Pitt. 😀  So there you have it. You know one of my many deep dark secrets. And if you ever need a zombie hide out…come to my place! I have the perfect plan. 😉

Feeling: Sleepy

Listening to: Legally Blonde from Legally Blonde: The Musical (hey I’m allowed to like musicals!)

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