My Addiction

So….I have this addiction. I have been pretty quiet about it. Not a lot of people know that I have this addiction. My addiction is coffee. The dark, smooth, drink of the Gods.  Often times I feel like this when I drink the sweet nectar. I just kind of start to spaz out…which is VERY…

Moving on Up

I moved to the twin cities about 3 days ago and wow…just wow. I am kind of floored by all the movement a big city has. It is ALWAYS bustling and hustling around. Which, to me, is new. I am from a small town so to come to some place so large is like culture…


This is my cat….about a year ago. I got my cat from one of my good friends and I instantly fell in love. I named my cat Kairi, after my favorite video game “Kingdom Hears”. I bought my cat a bunch of girly, glittery, pink toys. My cat even had a bright pink glitter collar….