
This is my cat….about a year ago. I got my cat from one of my good friends and I instantly fell in love. I named my cat Kairi, after my favorite video game “Kingdom Hears”. I bought my cat a bunch of girly, glittery, pink toys. My cat even had a bright pink glitter collar.

I brought my cat to the vet a couple of months later and wanted to get the cat spayed and get all the kitten shots.  I put the cat in the vet’s office and went on my merry way. This phone called followed a few hours later.

“Hello, is this Emily W?”

“Uhhh, yeah. Who is this?”

“This is the vet’s office calling. I’m afraid we can’t spay your cat today.”

“What? Why? What’s going on?” *Me freaking out*

“Well, as we were prepping we noticed that your cat…is a male. He has very small balls so we almost missed them.”

*Silence* “What?”

“We checked him out and he’s fine just has very small balls. Would you like us to neuter him instead?”

*Silence and then laughter* “Yeah, that’s fine. Wow. A boy cat huh?”

“Yep. Would you like us to change his name in our records?”

“I’ll get back to you. Thanks for calling.”

“Your welcome.”

End of Call.

As soon as I heard my cat was a boy cat I was shocked. I had thought for months that he was a she and while the lady had been talking to me all I could think of was my cat dressed like this for months!

That isn’t my cat but the theme is the same. I had forced my poor boy cat into so much pink glittery outfits I’m sure he has a complex.  He is one of the weirdest cats I have ever seen and yet I love the weirdo with all my heart.

In a few days I will moving to a bigger city and I can’t take my funny, weird cat. The apartment I am moving to charges outrageous prices for cats. So, maybe in the future my little one can join me but for now it isn’t to be.

It’s hard, for an animal parent, to part with their pets. I have watched my cat grow up. I have been there for him when he learned that he wasn’t a girl, and he has been there to always crap when there is company over so my whole house smells like poop.  The truth is that pets have a way of becoming a big part of one’s family. I will miss him as I think he will miss me (though with cats one can never be sure if they LIKE anything).  Love you, Meow Meow.




Feeling: Sad

Listening To: Only Girl In The World by Rihanna

One Comment Add yours

  1. jessperaza says:

    The same thing happened with my grandpa’s cat! His name was “Mr. Gato”, which is Spanish for cat Unfortunately they didn’t realize he was a she until the birth of her kittens. The sex revelation didn’t seem to phase my grandpa very much–“Mrs. Gato” is still his favorite cat.

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