My Addiction

So….I have this addiction. I have been pretty quiet about it. Not a lot of people know that I have this addiction. My addiction is coffee. The dark, smooth, drink of the Gods.

 Often times I feel like this when I drink the sweet nectar. I just kind of start to spaz out…which is VERY fun. Though most people see me like this:

I am the person on the right…the one with the pictures (for all you people who held up their hands to determine which one I am talking about)  Which is fine by me..I’m flying high on coffee.

One of the best coffee joints around is a small little place that rhymes with Malibu Coffee. Or deer coffee. I like to go make a nuisance of myself order a large almond mocha coffee with an extra shot of espresso.  🙂 I flirt with the cute boy working behind the register (he rolls his eyes) and I go find a seat and drink. Sometimes I read during those times or, like right now, I go online.

What is it about coffee places that make the mind seem to be free? I write so much better with coffee and having the atmosphere of a coffee shop around me.  Is there something scientific  about those two coming together to create a perfect place for creativity? Let me know! I honestly want to know and now the most weirdly, cute animated animal ever….


Feeling Like: A Pimp.

Listening To: Mario Kart Love Song (Youtube that sh** up!)

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