Lost (not the TV show :P )

I’m going to tell you a story. A story of a girl, lost. She had been playing in woods around her grandparents house, singing to herself and playing make believe. Soon, she had wandered  pretty far away from the grandparents house and on turning around to see the house all she saw was trees.

 something. Dark and ominous trees surrounded her and filled her with fright. How had she not noticed how dark it had become? Frantically, she started to run and yell out for her grandfather. Hoping to spot their large white home. Eventually, that little girl’s grandfather found her and brought her inside. Her grandparents fixed her hot coco and she began to calm down, no longer feeling the fright she had experienced in the woods.

Too often, I feel like that little girl. Lost and confused, not quite sure where to go or where to turn. Doesn’t everyone feel like that sometimes? That they are lost deep in a woods and aren’t quite sure where to go.  So you search, sometimes frantically sometimes not. Maybe you’re trying to find a purpose or trying to be the person you think you were meant to be and you think to yourself, if I can just lose 15 pounds or if I can just afford that new laptop then I will feel good. I will feel like I’m the person I am supposed to be.

Being lost in real life can be just as scary as being lost in the woods when you are a child. You want your parents to be proud, you want to live up to the expectations of yourself and your peers, and you want to make a difference. How many little kids always say “I’m going to be famous when I grow up?” A lot. How many actually make it? A few.  I hate feeling lost without any direction. Searching for something or someone to show me where the path is.  It would just be easier if someone said, “HEY! Em! This is the way you should go.” Hopefully, someday soon, I’ll find my way out of the forest and come to a place where I feel safe, calm, and secure in who I have become.

And now…..a cat.

Link to image here.

Feeling: Lost

Listening To: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Summer

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