My Top Ten Guilty Pleasures

So, the world is full of stuff that is just plain awful. An example would be the Jersey Shore. It is absolutely dumb and annoying yet millions of Americans (and the rest of the world) watch it. This is what I would call a guilty pleasure, something you shouldn’t like…but you do.

Chocolate. Yes, I know that every girl in the world says they love chocolate, and why wouldn’t they? The delicious sweet flavor of it makes most of us crumble. A few favorite chocolate treats that I personally enjoy are:

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Hot Fudge Sundaes 

mmmmmmmmmm…where did I leave those chocolate chips?

 Something that makes me feel like a kid again is the awesome show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am a mid-20’s freak about them. I have a key chain  a lanyard, a t-shirt, and yes even a very stylish winter hat depicting Leonardo. Some may think, wow, what a weirdo and then instantly un-friend me. To these people, I ask, don’t you have some inner child screaming at you to watch cartoons? You shouldn’t be ashamed to enjoy some cartoons and buy some stuff that reminds you of them. Now, for your enjoyment..Turtles:

Oh, yeah be jealous! XD

Jersey Shore. That’s all. Please, don’t hate me forever.

 Chick Flicks. I love chick flicks and maybe that makes me like every other female, but I don’t care. Watching two people fall in love in movies makes me smile.  Top 3 favorite chick flicks:

An Affair to Remember (1957)  *Thanks Holly for showing me this!*

Starring: Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr

Pride and Prejudice 2005

 Starring: Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen

City of Angels 1998

 Starring: Nicolas Cage (yeah, I know) and Meg Ryan.

Honorable Mention: Sleepless in Seattle, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, and Pretty Woman.

 Wizard Rock/ Harry Potter. I am Harry Potter nerd. I love those books so much and they pretty much changed how I wrote. J.K. Rowling  opened my eyes to the fantasy world, to which I am forever in her debt.

 Best  Wizard Rock Band Ever!

Tumblr_ln5j18mzyl1qez246o1_500_large And now..the fan girl in me! R&H!!!!

Green Bay Packers. I love to watch them dominate and perhaps, maybe, take too much joy in seeing them crush others.  Go, Pack, Go!!!

B.J. Raji: One of my favorite players! 🙂

Aaron Rodgers! Woohoo!!!!

 Coffee. Need I say more?

 Musicals. Whether it is “The Book of Mormon” or “My Fair Lady” I love them all!

Young Adult Para-romance novels (NOT TWILIGHT! Though I have read that, too. Sigh.)  These books are very entertaining and I don’t even mind that they are for “Young Adult”. I am a young adult…so there!  Top 3:

 Vampire Academy Series

By: Rachelle Mead

Terrific writing! She pulls you into the story, even though it is about Vampire’s.

The Mortal Instruments Series

                                                          By: Cassandra Clare

                                          A pleasure to read and lots of twists and turns.

Forest of Hands and Teeth Series

By: Carrie Ryan

If you like zombies and love stories you should probably read this book.

 World of Warcraft. WAIT! Before you judge me..or the game. Ask yourself this…have you played it? It is just like any other video game just in mmorpg form (massive multi-player online role playing game). I have an xbox 360 and no one makes fun of you for playing games on there. Just because some people make the game seem too nerdy doesn’t mean that it is. That’s all.

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