Don’t Be Afraid

Halloween is probably my most favorite of holiday’s due to the fact that it is a time where scaring the crap out of people is allowed. It’s a holiday where you can dress up as the most scary thing you can imagine or the most skankiest.  Sometimes both if you go as Miley Cyrus. With…

The Parent Test

Today, as I was driving around in my silver Impala I spotted something strange. A family was playing by the side of the road. A busy road. A highway. To my astonishment this family decided it was time to cross the busy highway. So, picking up their young toddler and holding the hand of probably…

This Paranormal Romance Kind of Thing

 Where have all the good days gone? I miss the days where people feared the night instead of rushing into the darkness to find their own “Edward”. It was a simpler time then. When vampires, werewolves, even pixies weren’t in everyday conversation.  Now, being a fantasy fiction writer I enjoy these things. People should have…

My Plan of Action: Zombie Apocalypse

 Link So, you may not know about my love/hate relationship with zombies but I just can’t get enough of the creepy, man-eating ,un-dead beings.  One thing has always been clear to me though, one day zombies will take over the world and I, Em, being of sound mind has a plan of attack. Link  …

What Hospitals Taught Me

For those who are not in the know, I was recently in the hospital. I was diagnosed with a blood disease called ITP, which I am NOT going to spell out or tell you what the letters stand for. It is a disease where my body attacks my blood platelets, which is not good. It was all…

Top Ten Male Fictional Hotties that I LOVE <3

 Chuck Bass This suave, bad boy makes being bad look so good. You hate to love this manipulative hottie. Famous Quote: Chuck: Why should I be chosen to be an usher – I’m Chuck Bass.  From: Gossip Girl Mr. Darcy This well mannered gentleman will make any girl fall. His brooding ways make you want to see…

My Top Ten Guilty Pleasures

So, the world is full of stuff that is just plain awful. An example would be the Jersey Shore. It is absolutely dumb and annoying yet millions of Americans (and the rest of the world) watch it. This is what I would call a guilty pleasure, something you shouldn’t like…but you do. Chocolate. Yes, I…

LOTR VS Harry Potter

I didn’t make this, sadly, but it tickled my fancy so I decided to share it with you.  You can find the original post here. Enjoy my nerdy friends! XD

Lost (not the TV show :P )

I’m going to tell you a story. A story of a girl, lost. She had been playing in woods around her grandparents house, singing to herself and playing make believe. Soon, she had wandered  pretty far away from the grandparents house and on turning around to see the house all she saw was trees.  something. Dark…

I Less Than Three You.

You know when it’s hard to say certain words, in a certain order? The three words you wish your partner would say or the three words you dread to hear. The simple, I love you.   I make a point of saying I love you to my family every day. With a world full of…