

The first chapter of my new teen series called “Creatures”.

Here’s a sneak peek!

“Hey,” I said slowly. I had made my mind up to just talk to him. I had never spoken to one before but my creature seemed different. He wasn’t like the other creatures with their horrible smiles and black wings. He only seemed like that when it came to Dylan; with me he was always just curiously staring.

After I said hey to him, my creature looked about to see if I was actually talking to him. His mouth fell open when I merely kept staring at him. He even glanced behind himself to see if I was talking to anyone out there. I lifted my eyebrows and took a breath.

“Ok, I can see you sitting there. Will…will you talk to me?” I said nervously. I wasn’t entirely sure that what I was doing or if it was something I SHOULD be doing, but nevertheless I was trying to talk to him.

“Can you see me?” he asked his eyes widening slightly and his deep, gravelly voice still chilling to me.

“Yes,” I said simply holding my breath to see what was going to happen next. He turned his head away from me slightly and glanced at my green walls. He turned back to face me and warily looked at me.

“How?” he asked fidgeting slightly. I didn’t think I had ever seen a creature fidget before, strange.

“I don’t know. I have always been able to though. Why are you following me around?” I asked back.

“Orders,” he said simply.

“Orders?” I asked confused.

“Yes,” he snapped. Sitting there I was suddenly taken by the fact that I was talking to one of scariest beings on the planet. I stiffened slightly wondering at my stupidity. This creature could over power me in a second and then he would control me. I sure as hell didn’t want that.

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