
Whence upon the broken battlefield,
Where only death and sorrow dwell,
I paused on the edge, giving my yield,
For to my front burned fires of hell.

Scorched bones of long lost hero’s tales,
A place of suicide to enter in,
Where sword does break and courage fails.
The sound of gurgling cries is carried in the wind,

I stepped onto the cursed marred ground,
As the smell of flesh wafted in the air,
And carried with it the howls of hells hounds,
The load of bravery was too much too bear.

I removed my foot, with fear in my core,
And dropped my helm in defeat,
My limbs already were screamingly sore,
I had no where but to retreat.

A voice inside me cried as though it drew it’s one last breath,
You can go on, but you must reach out to me,
Believe in me and conquer death,
And journey to the crystal sea.

She is there and waits on your return,
Weeping silently with aching heart,
Heart aflame with lovers burn,
For no soul should be split apart.

I left my helmet where it lie,
My sword and shield too
For no weapon should save if I was to die,
Crossing hell to get to you.

By: J

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